
Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey
announces $2M Campaign to Support Israel Emergency Fund

As Jewish communities across North America rally to support our brothers and sisters in Israel during one of the country’s darkest moments, the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey (JFSNJ) has joined the united front with Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) to reach its $500 million campaign goal. 

Incredibly, over $388 million has been raised thus far. Today, JFSNJ announced its $2 million goal to support these efforts, funds will be divided as needed between urgent humanitarian needs, such as medical supplies and equipment and housing, and longer-term rebuilding and rehabilitation, ranging from rebuilding homes and infrastructure trauma counseling. 

Last evening, October 18, the JFSNJ Board of Directors held an special meeting to approve a $250,000 emergency allocation from reserve funds.  This motion was approved in a unanimous vote, showing the board’s tremendous support of Israel and it will be immediately applied to the $2 million goal for the South Jersey Jewish community.  

In addition to this $250,000 allocation, JFSNJ is deeply appreciative of the generosity in matching funds; $180,000 from the Saltzman Foundation, $150,000 from Stan and Ros Middleman and Family, $80,000 from the Gottlieb Family and $50,000 from Rick and Donna Forman and Family.

This unified JFNA national campaign has full support of the Union of Reform Judaism, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Hillel International, the Orthodox Union, the JCC Association of North America, and the National Council for Jewish Women in a unified campaign effort, working together to determine the most pressing needs and allocate accordingly.

In less than two weeks since the outbreak of war, Jewish Federations have already allocated $25 million to 20 organizations providing emergency relief and support in Israel, including the Jewish Agency for Israel, JDC, World ORT, Israel Trauma Coalition, United Hatzalah, Magen David Adom, ZAKA, Barzilai Medical Center, and the Soroka Medical Center.

JFSNJ’s Israel Emergency Campaign is chaired by Rick and Lori Goldstein and Jeff and Laura Gottlieb, who all have tremendous, long-standing dedication to our Jewish community.  During the board meeting, Rick Goldstein spoke on behalf of the co-chairs: “The number of people who need our help is immense.  It is incumbent upon all of us to lead this effort.  As co-chairs of this campaign, Lori and I, alongside Jeff and Laura Gottlieb, ask that you generously join us in supporting this campaign.  Every dollar you contribute is a lifeline of hope and resilience to the people of Israel.  100% of dollars contributed go directly to Israel.” 

 “I believe that JFNA is a tremendous asset and will enable our dollars to go faster and further to where they are needed,” he continued.  “We can’t understand their (Israel’s) pain but we can reach out to tell them we care about them. We’re family, let’s do this together.”

 Donations can be made directly via jewishsouthjersey.org/supportisrael.