Shabbat Table Talk

When the Lights Go On

Can you visualize being in a theater that was fully dark for a long time, and then when it was time to leave, the bright lights are suddenly turned on? Or, what about walking out of a dim room into a bright and sunny hallway? It can be too much too fast and our eyes can’t handle it! Just a…

If I Had the Chance to Do it Over...

In life we strive to make the best choices based on our insight, experience, and projection of the outcome of our decisions. Yet, if we do not take care in these decisions, we can miss important opportunities that we might never have again.

In Parsha Vayeshev, the Joseph narrative is perple…

The Dreams of our Youth

When you were young and people would ask you what you wanted to be when you grow up, do you remember your answer? When you were nearing the end of your teen years and the possibilities for your future seemed limitless, do you remember what your aspirations were then? 

For many, the hope…

Fight, Flight, Freeze or Embrace

American physiologist Walter Cannon (1871-1945) coined the term Fight or Flight after discovering that an unconscious series of fast-acting reactions occurred inside the body to help provide resources needed to manage threatening circumstances. Trauma and stress cause us to react in differen…

Living in the Moment While Knowing it is Momentary

We only get one chance to live our best lives and there is a great conundrum regarding what to focus on in order to live that best life. Should we focus on planning and strategizing, or should we prioritize the notion of being present and living in the moment? Of course, the answer is both, …