Shabbat Table Talk

Eye Eye Sir

To diagnose a problem, doctors, mechanics, and IT techs search for the root of the problem. While the symptoms help the diagnostician search for the source, in order to clear up current and future problems, the root of the matter must be discovered and treated.

In Parshat Balak we meet the …

The Anatomy of a Rebellion

Why can’t we all just get along? Aren’t we all working for the greater good? Aren’t we all in it for the same reasons, to follow G-d’s will and help out society? Maybe not. Group dynamics are fascinating. Rare is the group that functions positively without disruption or upheaval. Whe…

Too Little Too Late

How many times did you have an encounter with another, whether it was positive, less positive, or even antagonistic; and later on, you think to yourself, “I wish I said this, I should have said that, or why didn’t I say that?” Even though we prepare for these meetings, and we try to be …

Reaching Out and Up

We are in touch with the doctor when there is a medical need. We call on an electrician when there’s a problem in the house. It’s almost March—did you call the accountant yet? 

What about G-d? When do you reach out and up to G-d? Almost everyone thinks of G-d in trying times of death…

So, You Want to be a Kohen

Many are acquainted with the well-known rabbinic joke in which a man approaches a rabbi and asks the rabbi to turn him into a Kohen (a Jewish priest). The rabbi explains there is no such spiritual procedure. After the man tries to convince, offer donations, and even beg to become a Kohen, th…