Shabbat Table Talk

Every Person Counts

Who gets the greatest amount of attention from the principal? Is it the troublemakers? Sure, they get the most negative attention in the school. Yet the high achievers, the ones that make the school look good, the ones that get into the best schools, and the ones that get the most positive …

Celebrating the Moment

The board room was brimming with suggestions about how to celebrate the upcoming milestone of the company. Each executive had a different idea—one more creative than the next—until the recent hire in the corner said humbly, “why don’t we celebrate how we impact the day-to-day lives o…

The Mitzvah of Yovel

We truly live in a 24/7 world. Whether we are in pursuit of a social connection, doing a work task, or seeking entertainment, one could stay busy all day and night. Yet, as a great sage once quipped, “Do we work to live or live to work?” That is the question. Parshat Bahar introduces the…

Kiddush Hashem Parshat Emor 2022

Jonny exclaimed exuberantly when arriving home from the bus stop, “Mommy! Mommy! The Head of School asked me to be an ambassador at the Open House this Sunday!” Mom responded, “I am so proud of you. Let’s pick out a nice outfit so you can look your best when you represent the school.…

Taking Note of Our Origins

It’s quite an “aha” moment for a youngster when they realize that milk does not originate in a carton and food does not originate at the market. It has a beginning and a source. Our produce and grains come from the ground, and our milk and dairy come from animals (unless its soy, oat, …