Shabbat Table Talk

Takeaway Moments 2022

After someone returns from a vacation, they are often asked: What were the highlights? While the entire experience was memorable and worthwhile, there are usually a few unique and titillating times that are takeaway moments.

It is no secret that the two most celebrated Jewish holidays are Y…

We Must Do Ours

“Who wants to go first?” asked the math teacher. All the kids looked quizzically at one another, but no one raised their hand. There was a 30 second silence until one boy stood up and walked towards the white board to try and solve the complicated problem. He tried and tried and tried un…

The Pesach Embrace

Preparing For the Seder

It’s that time again, the annual Seder gathering. While many look forward to Passover with great anticipation, others may not feel the same or be able to celebrate in the way that they would like to. The first law codified in the Jewish Code of Law regarding Passov…

The Great Shabbat

Remember when you were a child and someone told you that you were going to receive a present in a few days? The anticipation was overwhelming and you likely kept asking, “Please give me a hint as to what it is? Can I have a little of it now?” This is exactly how the people of Israel felt…

Shabbat Hachodesh: Our New Beginning

You only get one shot to make a first impression. What is the first thing you say on a first date? You get an audience with your Senator to advocate on behalf of your community, what are the first words that come to mind? What is the first commandment G-d instructs the newborn nation of Is…