
Rabbi: Jonathan Bienenfeld
President: Jonathan Bender

Young Israel of Cherry Hill is an Orthodox synagogue that was established in 1996. Morning services begin at 6:45 am on weekdays, and at 8:30 am on Shabbos, Sundays, and legal holidays. Weekday afternoon services are scheduled around candle lighting time and followed by Shabbos evening services, while Shabbos afternoon services begin 30 minutes before that week’s candle lighting time. We pride ourselves on the decorum maintained during davening as well as lively congregational involvement and singing.

Our dynamic spiritual leader, Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld, spearheads numerous learning opportunities. In addition to a weekly shiur before Shabbos afternoon services, he teaches a monthly mini-series on important rabbinic personalities throughout Jewish history entitled, “Life, Times, & Torah.” A new weekly Gemara class for men is slated to begin in February. Rabbi Bienenfeld also rotates teaching in a weekly chevrusa and shiur program coordinated by Foxman Torah Institute.

Special classes and shiurim are also offered at various points of the year, often in conjunction with holidays, e.g., Tikkun Leil Shavuos, Shabbos Shuva, and Shabbos Hagadol. We also enjoy a monthly Mishmar (study session) and Men’s Meating (an informal class with the rabbi and creative meat dishes).

Rebbetzin Sarah Bienenfeld is warm and engaging and is particularly involved in general social programming (such as the annual Purim seudah, annual Welcoming New Families event, and Simchas Torah BBQ), children’s programming, and women’s events.

Children, ages 5-11, meet on Shabbos morning for our Junior Minyan. Led by Rabbi Binyamin Stone, they daven and learn parshas ha-shavua (weekly Torah portion). On Shabbos afternoons, children explore the 39 Melachos of Shabbos.

Younger children (ages 2-4) also meet on Shabbos morning when they daven, sing, play games, and hear stories. There is also ongoing children’s programming throughout the year, and especially in relation to holidays.

Young Israel of Cherry Hill
817 Cooper Landing Road
Cherry Hill NJ 08002
United States

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